TopicĬontains pointers to wireless display (Miracast) runtime callback functions that the Miracast user-mode driver can call.Ĭontains encode chunk data that is used when a user-mode driver calls the wireless display (Miracast) GetNextChunkData function. This function is registered with the operating system when the RegisterForDataRateNotifications function is called.Ĭalled by the operating system to query the Miracast user-mode driver interface, MIRACAST_DRIVER_INTERFACE.Ĭalled by the operating system to start a Miracast connected session.Ĭalled by the operating system to start a Miracast connected session that had earlier been started by a call to the StartMiracastSession function.Īll user-mode structures and enumerations that are used with Miracast display device driver interfaces (DDIs).
TopicĬalled by the operating system to create a user-mode Miracast context.Ĭalled by the operating system to destroy a user-mode Miracast context.Ĭalled by the operating system to handle the asynchronous kernel-mode message that the Miracast user-mode driver receives when the display miniport driver calls the DxgkCbMiracastSendMessage function.Ĭalled by the operating system to notify the Miracast user-mode driver that the bit rate of the Miracast network link has changed. In response to an operating system call to the QueryMiracastDriverInterface function, the Miracast user-mode driver must supply pointers to these functions in the MIRACAST_DRIVER_INTERFACE structure, except for pfnDataRateNotify, which is has a pointer declared in RegisterForDataRateNotifications.